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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Gingerly lightly beauty steps cloaked in shimmering stars.
While faeries dewdrop thirsty petals in those early mystical hours.
Come nimble dreamsister, tumble with gray-bearded gardens and a jasmined nightsky.
Ah--- cool renewal breathes again.
The landhome sparkles, dances, is alive!

The Star of the Cosmic Tribe radiates regeneration. We are drawn to her like moths and in the starlight ritual her magic becomes our magic and we too are stars. Star-kisses balm lips chapped by the intensity of cards like Tower and Death. Cool refreshing skywater blues soothe and heal a parched Earth and all of her wearv inhabitants.

The Star manifests as a young woman dreamdancing before dawn. Her eyes are closed in an intuitive all-seeing darkness. She pirouettes gracefully on the earth using the cosmic map of deep inner knowing. The mother starcrystal, nestled in faraway suns, beams restorative magic to her trancechild. The young woman's upstretched arms make a gateway for the inspirations of' dreams to pass front the ephemeral into the healing nourishment recognizable on the earthly plane. In this ritual, Star magic is passed through trance images and awakens in the seed of a nightflower that erupts into a passionate and otherwordly bloom. All eyes are drawn to its magnificence as it reflects the form of the crone and the beauty of the child ho together dreamed it into being.

Behind the ritual a celestial map holds the stars in our consciousness. The starcrystal crone, bursting with cosmic information, is surrounded by her seven wise sisters and cheered by the beauty of the starchild's ritual. One for the crone and seven for her sisters merge to form 17. the Star's number in the Tarot. Each clear night 17 is invoked to unveil the mysterious inner workings of the universe and give us the chance, if we but participate, to reveal ourselves as stars.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Star shine on your reading. breathe the sigh of' relief you have held Inside of' you If' you have a ritual. meditate, pray. or otherwise offer silence to soothe the scorched areas of your life. Let cool blue winds blow over calm clear waters and into your soul. renewing. refreshing, and reinvigorating you. Heal. and in your healing look around and see with crystal clarity how easily the Impossible now becomes possible. You are a star and the power you have will attract others to you during this time. Steward the power wisely and compassionately. While you bathe in the starlight of' promise, keep your awareness grounded and avoid the pitfalls of illusion and fanaticism.